Player Cards

Earning Stars:

  • Players can earn stars based on their performance in various categories.
  • Stars are awarded for achievements like Player of the Day, Player of the Match, outstanding training sessions, Player of the Season, and Player of the Month.

Card Design:

  • Stars will be prominently displayed on player cards.
  • Each star represents a specific level of achievement, showcasing the player’s excellence.
  • The rarity and prestige of the star increase from Bronze to Diamond.

Recognition and Motivation:

  • Stars serve as a visible acknowledgment of a player’s dedication and skill.
  • Players are encouraged to strive for higher levels of achievement to earn more stars on their cards.


  • Player cards will be updated regularly to reflect the latest achievements.
  • The rules and criteria for earning stars may be subject to periodic review and adjustment.

Player Card Star Awards

  • Criteria: Notable efforts and contributions.
  • Representation: Commendable performance, suitable for achievements like Player of the Day or solid training sessions.
  • Criteria: Consistently strong performances.
  • Representation: A step above bronze, awarded for achievements like Player of the Month or outstanding contributions in multiple matches.
  • Criteria: Outstanding performances and remarkable contributions.
  • Representation: High-level achievement, such as Player of the Match or extraordinary displays of skill.
  • Criteria: Exceptional and consistent excellence.
  • Representation: Rare and prestigious acknowledgment for extraordinary achievements, like Player of the Season.
  • Criteria:
    • Exceptional performance consistently throughout the season.
    • Leadership on and off the field, inspiring teammates.
    • Display of exceptional sportsmanship, fair play, and respect.
    • Contribution to crucial moments that significantly impact the team’s success.
    • Consistent improvement and dedication to personal and team development.
    • Recognition from coaches, teammates, and peers for outstanding contributions.
  • Representation:
    • The highest level of acknowledgment for a player’s outstanding achievements and overall impact on the team.
    • Reserved for those who consistently go above and beyond expectations and embody the true spirit of the team.
  1. Goalkeeper (GK):
    • Mainly defensive role to guard the team’s goal.
    • Only player allowed to touch the ball with hands, limited to 18-yard box.
  2. Full-Backs (RB LB):
    • Provide protection from attacking wide players.
    • Defend against opponent’s wingers and contribute to attacking plays.
  3. Wing-Backs (DEF):
    • Modern variation of full-backs with a heavier emphasis on attack.
    • Stay on touchline, overlap, and send crosses, while still marking opposition wingers.
  4. Centre-Back (CB):
    • Central defensive position to stop opposing players from scoring.
    • Tall, strong, with good jumping, heading, and tackling ability.
  5. Defensive Midfielder (CDM):
    • Stationed in front of defenders to provide a secure defense.
    • Screens defense, harries and tackles opposition attackers, and provides tactical support.
  6. Centre Midfielder (CM):
    • Link between defense and attack.
    • Controls the game, defends when necessary, and influences overall play.
  7. Central Attacking Midfielder (CAM):
    • Advanced midfield position between central midfield and forwards.
    • Creates goal-scoring opportunities using vision and skill.
  8. Side Midfielder (RM LM):
    • Positioned wide, hugging the touchline.
    • Requires off-the-ball intelligence and the ability to deliver crosses.
  9. Winger (RW LW):
    • Stationed wide near the touchlines.
    • Relies on speed to beat defenders and deliver crosses.
  10. Side Forward (RF LF):
    • Plays along the wing, emphasizing beating defenders.
    • Similar to wingers but positioned on the front line.
  11. Centre Forward (CF):
    • Positioned between midfield and attack.
    • Scores goals, creates chances, and distracts the defense.
  12. Striker (ST):
    • Nearest to the opposing team’s goal.
    • Primary responsibility is to score goals and create scoring chances.