Allianz Cup Update

Great job today, everyone! Our teams showed incredible effort and sportsmanship throughout the day.

U8 Team:
Our U8 team put in a solid effort with one draw and one win. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to advance to the next round. However, we played exceptionally well and scored many goals in the second game, showcasing our strength.

U10 A Team:
The U10 A team had a tough start, losing the first game—possibly due to still waking up or the hot weather. But in the second game, we bounced back impressively, scoring 8 goals! The whole team demonstrated our strength and potential for the Victory League next season.

U10 T-rex Team:
Our other U10 Trex team faced a challenge with only four players showing up. Despite this, Claire, Joshua, Emerson, and Austin delivered an amazing performance. You are all superstars!

U12 Team:
The U12 team faced a very strong opponent and unfortunately lost. We have one more game tomorrow, likely against an even tougher team. Let’s give it our all!

U15 Team:
U15 team, bring your best performance tomorrow—it’s a big day ahead!

Thank you to all the parents and coaches for your support and dedication. Let’s keep up the great work!